'highly engineered explosive' found in WTC rubble
(too old to reply)
Sir F. A. Rien
2009-05-28 15:06:30 UTC
The perps used military grade termite explosives to destroy the WTC
They were steel and glass, not wood, duh.
Uhhh, dummies ...

GRAVITY destroyed the towers!

The perps merely weakened the structure in such a way that it

Ever see the Vega implosions? You don't need much to bring down a tall
Sir F. A. Rien
2009-05-28 15:07:59 UTC
'highly engineered explosive' found in WTC rubble
Stephen C. Webster
Published: Saturday April 4, 2009
A team of scientists have unearthed startling data from dust and
debris gathered in the days and weeks after the World Trade Center
towers collapsed on Sept. 11, 2001.
In a study published by theOpenChemicalPhysicsJournal-- a peer-
reviewed, scientific publication -- Steven E. Jones and Niels Harrit
level a stark allegation: that within the dust and rubble of the World
Trade Center towers lays evidence of "a highly engineered explosive,"
contrary to all federal studies of the collapses.
"We have discovered distinctive red/gray chips in all the samples we
have studied of the dust produced by the destruction of the World
Trade Center," reads the paper's abstract. "One sample was collected
by a Manhattan resident about ten minutes after the collapse of the
second WTC Tower, two the next day, and a fourth about a week later.
The properties of these chips were analyzed using optical microscopy,
scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray energy dispersive
spectroscopy (XEDS), and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)."
Their analysis has uncovered "active thermitic material": a
combination of elemental aluminum and iron oxide in a form of thermite
known as "nanostructured super-thermite."
Thermite, used in steel welding, fireworks shows, hand grenades and
demolition, can produce achemicalreaction known for extremely high
temperatures focused in a very small area for a short period of time.
According to the Navy's Small Business Innovation Research, super-
thermite "is restricted under the International Traffic in Arms
Regulation (ITAR), which controls the export and import of defense-
related material and services."
"This finding really goes beyond anything that has previously been
shown," said Jones in a media advisory. "We had to use sophisticated
tools to analyze the dust because this isn't just a typical explosive,
RDX or CD4 or something -- this is a highly engineered material not
readily available to just anyone."
"The cost and production rate of super-thermite composites has limited
the use of these materials in DoD applications," claims the Navy's
This latest report, Jones told Visibility 9/11, "explodes the official
story that 'no evidence' exists for explosive/pyrotechnic materials in
the WTC buildings. The red/gray chips are the 'loaded gun' of 9-11."
Time to wake up.
Now the question is: How did Al-Qaida get a hold of the super-termite
explosives and then plant it at the World Trade Center?  This
indicates massive corruption at the termite factories and/or the DoD!- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
them tropical countries is full of them super termites where them
furriners can get em.
I heard the importer is located at UC Davis, masquerading as ....

ARRGH, they got me!
Day Brown
2009-05-30 04:51:13 UTC
Far be it for me to argue with group think, but for the record, Gordon
Ross explains the charges were placed in the elevator shafts over a
period of months. This was a restricted area so the people in the towers
didnt know anything was going on.

You needed permission from the security firm to enter the elevator
shafts. A small crew could easily have done it if they had the consent
of Jeb Bush. Who owned the security firm.
Wayne Throop
2009-05-30 05:12:40 UTC
: Day Brown <***@gmail.com>
: Gordon Ross explains the charges were placed in the elevator shafts
: over a period of months.

In the WTC you mean? I wonder why they'd plant the explosives so far
away from the load bearing structures. I'm sure an answer would be
interesting, from a psychopathological point of view.

"Now... now why was I trying to catch a *train*?"
--- Charles M Wolf, in "Hare-Less Wolf"

Wayne Throop ***@sheol.org http://sheol.org/throopw
Day Brown
2009-06-04 01:45:22 UTC
Post by Wayne Throop
: Gordon Ross explains the charges were placed in the elevator shafts
: over a period of months.
In the WTC you mean? I wonder why they'd plant the explosives so far
away from the load bearing structures. I'm sure an answer would be
interesting, from a psychopathological point of view.
Without regard to who knew what when, 911 looks like a classic falseflag
event, like so many others the USA had, to motivate the masses to
support a more active war on Islamic terrorism.

I saw a global banker tell a senate hearing that so many bombs have gone
off at high rise towers that nobody would insure them any more, and no
more would be built. Which meant no more penthouse apartments for the
call girls. And well... we cant have that. Something hadda be done.

It was a global problem, so of course, the WTC complex was a perfect
target to symbolize it, which it did. And, moving troops into the heart
of Islam had the intended effect, that the zealots quit trying to hit on
the Islamic fringe high rise towers and went after the more convenient
targets in Iraq and Afghanistan. And now, new high rise towers are
rising ever higher.

Course, they are all monumental white elephants, but then, come to think
of it, so was the WTC towers. Now, in the age of video conferencing,
there no longer is a need to gather people together in a rich target
zone and put them thru the airport hassles to get them there.

2009-05-30 05:44:30 UTC
Ya know ... there WERE government offices in those buildings.

Do you think THEY might have had certain amounts of "highly-
engineered explosives" there ?

Nah ... impossible ............

Black Helicopter - DUCK !!!!!
Tim Bruening
2009-06-01 06:29:11 UTC
Post by B1ackwater
Ya know ... there WERE government offices in those buildings.
Do you think THEY might have had certain amounts of "highly-
engineered explosives" there ?
Nah ... impossible ............
Black Helicopter - DUCK !!!!!
What legitimate reason would government offices at the WTC have to store
explosives, especially military grade explosives, at the WTC? After
all, it wasn't a military installation.
Tim Bruening
2009-05-28 23:00:58 UTC
Post by Sir F. A. Rien
The perps used military grade termite explosives to destroy the WTC
They were steel and glass, not wood, duh.
Uhhh, dummies ...
GRAVITY destroyed the towers!
The perps merely weakened the structure in such a way that it
Ever see the Vega implosions? You don't need much to bring down a tall
Sir F. A. Rien
2009-05-29 14:09:40 UTC
: Each of the two towers was hit on one side by a plane. Shouldn't that one
: side have been weaking than the other side, and made the tower fall to that
: side instead of straight down?
: Also, Tower 7 fell without being hit by a plane!
Yep. And all those fire trucks where crushed without being hit by
a plane, and streets for blocks aall around where covered in dust and
paper and windows broken etc, all without being hit by planes.
Ooooooh, mysterious.
"Don't bother me with facts, My mind is made up!" - Timothea Browning
Sir F. A. Rien
2009-05-29 14:12:03 UTC
And all of that will be investigated by the same body that is looking
into Obama's birth certificate.
Since I know my own birth certificate was fraudulently altered when I
was 22 months old, I dunno how to prove that whatever is presented is,
in fact, correct. They were commonly doctored to hide bastardy.
How then can you prove that you are a citizen?
I cant. But nobody ever asked. I look and sound like a whiteman.
I can't see you on my computer, so I can't tell what your ethnicity is!
My keyboard is Black, my screen is yellow.....
s'OK, if it turns out that he's not a natural born citizen, his buddies
[Hillarity, Chap-a-quick-dick Ted, et al.] will grant him amnesty.
Sir F. A. Rien
2009-05-29 14:13:52 UTC
: Are you saying that Tower 7 was hit by one of the other falling WTC towers?
What amazes me is all the posts from Timothea must take up a lot of her time
- whereas a brief moment reading the actual FACTS on line, would answer most
of her silly questions!