Post by Wayne Throop: Gordon Ross explains the charges were placed in the elevator shafts
: over a period of months.
In the WTC you mean? I wonder why they'd plant the explosives so far
away from the load bearing structures. I'm sure an answer would be
interesting, from a psychopathological point of view.
Without regard to who knew what when, 911 looks like a classic falseflag
event, like so many others the USA had, to motivate the masses to
support a more active war on Islamic terrorism.
I saw a global banker tell a senate hearing that so many bombs have gone
off at high rise towers that nobody would insure them any more, and no
more would be built. Which meant no more penthouse apartments for the
call girls. And well... we cant have that. Something hadda be done.
It was a global problem, so of course, the WTC complex was a perfect
target to symbolize it, which it did. And, moving troops into the heart
of Islam had the intended effect, that the zealots quit trying to hit on
the Islamic fringe high rise towers and went after the more convenient
targets in Iraq and Afghanistan. And now, new high rise towers are
rising ever higher.
Course, they are all monumental white elephants, but then, come to think
of it, so was the WTC towers. Now, in the age of video conferencing,
there no longer is a need to gather people together in a rich target
zone and put them thru the airport hassles to get them there.