Post by DavidTannyIt's Thanksgiving Season. This movie should have been released Nov 25. It's too soon
for Christmas movies.
Walt Disney Studios' big-budget holiday bet "A Christmas Carol" got
off to a soft start Friday, selling a studio-estimated $9 million in
the U.S. and Canada.
Never liked "A Christmas Carol" - found it scary as a child and morose
and depressing as an adult. Carey can get carried away with his
portrayals of horror and makes it too real looking. Don't know why tv
and hollywood grab onto this story as the primary entertainment for the
Christmas/Chanukah season, but perhaps that is as close as they can get
to the story of the birth of Jesus and other Old Testament stories
dramatizations without having the atheists, et. al. condemn anyone for
broadcasting something religious on a religious holiday. There used to
be many stories of Christmas as well as from the Old and New Testaments
at this time of year and particularly on Christmas eve when television
was young, but we have moved to a non-tolerant view. But of course,
they do broadcast the masses and ceremonies, concerts from various
places, but i still like the old stories. The huge choirs, the
nutcracker, the pope and the rest are not christmas to me. it is
bethlehem and the holy land of old that i like.