The Hypocrisy of Michael Moore
(too old to reply)
2011-02-13 12:09:00 UTC
By Jeffrey T. Kuhner

Michael Moore is a hypocrite. He embodies all that is wrong with Hollywood: He
is a shameless, self-serving propagandist masquerading as an idealistic

This week the famous left-wing movie director filed a lawsuit in Los Angeles
Superior Court against the producers of his 2004 anti-war, anti-Bush film,
"Fahrenheit 9/11." The reason: Mr. Moore is demanding $2.7 million in unpaid
profits that he says are owed to him. He has already pocketed nearly $20
million in profits from the blockbuster documentary. In other words, he has
reaped a huge financial windfall. But this is not enough for him.

Mr. Moore has built an entire career - a vast personal industry - upon
denouncing capitalism, the profit motive and "greedy" corporations. He is
exhibiting the very behavior he claims to abhor. His lawsuit reveals that,
despite his public image as a champion of the working class and the common
man, he is a cynical, money-grubbing charlatan who worships the almighty buck.
Rather than being a principled progressive, he is simply another crony
capitalist on the make.

Mr. Moore is a jet-setting multimillionaire living a life of luxury, leisure
and fame. He travels in a private plane and a fleet of SUVs. He is completely
detached from the workers he claims to defend. In fact, he has misrepresented
almost every facet of himself in order to forge a false "little guy" persona.
As Peter Schweizer convincingly documents in his superb book, "Do As I Say
(Not As I Do): Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy" (Broadway Books, 2005), Mr.
Moore is a fraud.

For example, he claims to come from working-class roots in Flint, Mich. "I
think once you're working class, you're always working class," the filmmaker
said. The Moore's family home, however, was not in Flint but in the nearby
middle-class town of Davison. His father - contrary to Mr. Moore's claims -
was not some low-level autoworker struggling to put food on the table.
Instead, he worked at General Motors where he earned a comfortable salary,
owned a bourgeois home, sent his four kids to private Catholic school and
played golf nearly every day at a private club. Mr. Moore had a privileged

Moreover, Mr. Moore's films often have one common theme: America is a racist
nation based on the exploitation of the poor. Hence, he is a vocal supporter
of numerous liberal causes - nationalized health care, class warfare, the
redistribution of wealth, affirmative action, empowering labor unions, gun
control and the demonizing of HMOs, pharmaceutical companies and big oil.

He claims that white flight from the cities to the suburbs is based on fear of
blacks - supposedly a glaring illustration of deep-seated racism. He said that
whites "gave black America a pat on the back - and then ran like the devil to
the suburbs." Yet, Mr. Moore has not practiced what he preaches. He does not
live in an interracial neighborhood. Instead, he has made his home at a swanky
mansion in Central Lake, in an upscale, exclusive and overwhelmingly white
community in northern Michigan.

For his films, including "Fahrenheit 9/11," Mr. Moore rarely hires blacks in
senior positions - whether producers, editors, cameramen or production
managers. Apparently, racial quotas do not apply to him. He also dislikes
using union workers on his sets - or paying them union wages. Again, his
economic populism only goes so far.

His investment portfolio has included owning significant shares of stock in
medical, health, pharmaceutical, defense and big oil companies, such as
Pfizer, Merck, Eli Lilly, Pharmacia Corporation, Tenet Healthcare, Sunoco,
General Electric and even the "evil" Halliburton. He has also invested in
firms that outsource jobs to the Third World - including China, where slave
labor is rampant. He wants to soak the rich with higher taxes, but uses
accountants to exploit every loophole and exemption to reduce his burden to
Uncle Sam. For Mr. Moore, profits evidently trump principle.

Like many on the radical left, his philosophy boils down to one seminal idea:
hatred of America.

Mr. Moore has done more to damage the cause of democracy, political freedom
and human rights than any other filmmaker - with the possible exception of
Oliver Stone - in recent memory. He has defended brutal socialist dictators
such as Cuba's Fidel Castro, Venezuela's Hugo Chavez and the former
Yugoslavia's Josip Broz Tito. He supports WikiLeaks' founder, the odious
Julian Assange. He has praised terrorist insurgents in Iraq, comparing them to
America's revolutionary patriots.

"Fahrenheit 9/11" was not simply a crude piece of anti-Bush propaganda. It was
a deliberate attempt to distort the reality of what occurred in the attacks on
Sept. 11, 2001: that radical Islam had declared war on America. Just as the
infamous director, Leni Riefenstahl, produced "Triumph of the Will" as a
propaganda tool to bolster Adolf Hitler's regime and demoralize the Western
democracies in the struggle against Nazism, Mr. Moore's "Fahrenheit 9/11"
sought to undermine America's resolve to confront Islamic fascism. He is the
Riefenstahl of our time - someone who uses film in order to aid and abet the
mortal enemies of the West.

Mr. Moore - like most transnational leftists - is a traitor. He has betrayed
his country by calling for its defeat in Iraq. He has betrayed his fellow
progressives through his blatantly hypocritical behavior. And he has betrayed
his fellow filmmakers by peddling cheap propaganda as art. His celebrity
status is a damning indictment of contemporary Hollywood.

:Jeffrey T. Kuhner is a columnist at The Washington Times and president
:of the Edmund Burke Institute.

"If Barack Obama isn't careful, he will become the Jimmy Carter of the 21st
Ed Conrad's Evil Twin
2011-02-14 20:48:05 UTC
On Sun, 13 Feb 2011 07:09:00 -0500, the spook, Ed Conrad
Post by Ubiquitous
By Jeffrey T. Kuhner
Michael Moore is a hypocrite. He embodies all that is wrong with Hollywood: He
is a shameless, self-serving propagandist masquerading as an idealistic
"artist." ...<snip>.
Michael Moore has wisely and carefully avoided saying anything about
Jews, Zionism, the Israel lobby, Palestine or anything that could be
considered anti-Semitic. That is the key to his success.

So why would a hard-core Zionist attack Michael Moore's credibility?

Because attacking the messenger and ignoring the message is the way of
the Jewish CIA propaganda artists - like my brother Edward. (Our
mother isn't Jewish; Ed converted to get a job with the government.)

Let's see what dirt we can dig up on Jeffrey "Muslims=9-11" Kuhner.

All I had to do was put his name in the search box with "Crypto-Jew"
and look what happens!!! ANOTHER CONTRIVED HOLOCAUST!!


Another Holocaust?
By Jeffrey T. Kuhner

Pity the Jews. The world is about to abandon them—again. They are
staring at another Holocaust. And the West, led by President Barack
Obama, is willing to sacrifice them at the altar of appeasement.

This is the real meaning of Mr. Obama’s address to the Muslim world at
Cairo University. In his speech, Mr. Obama called for a “new
beginning” in relations between America and Islamic civilization. He
praised the Muslim faith for its historic commitment to “tolerance”
and “religious equality.” Moreover, he played to the Arab street,
demanding Israel halt the construction of Jewish settlements in the
West Bank. His Middle East foreign policy is based on the core
illusion propounded by the Left for the past several decades: the root
cause of the region’s turmoil is the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

In fact, the very opposite is the case. Arab autocracies have used—and
manipulated—the Palestinian issue to divert their long-suffering
populations from the real sources of regional instability,
backwardness and extremism: the lack of democracy and political
accountability, poor education, the denial of basic rights for women,
the reluctance to embrace Enlightenment modernity and a virulent
strain in Islam that glorifies jihadism and the imposition of Sharia
law. Yet, instead of speaking out against these pathologies that
afflict Muslim civilization, Mr. Obama turned on America’s only
reliable, democratic ally: Israel.

Since the 1917 Balfour Declaration, the Zionist movement has sought to
create a Middle East based on peaceful coexistence and mutual
acceptance between Jews and Arabs. By calling for an independent
Palestine, the so-called two-state solution, Mr. Obama’s speech should
have thrilled Israelis. It didn’t. In fact, it has convinced many that
Mr. Obama is another Neville Chamberlain: a cynical, amoral
opportunist, who is willing to betray a small ally in the false
pursuit of peace. Cairo has become the new Munich—a term that will be
synonymous with moral cowardice. Blaming Israeli settlements is easy
and politically correct; as is falsifying Islam’s dismal record on
religious minorities. Yet, what has rightly angered many Israelis is
that Mr. Obama never addressed Palestinian—or for that matter,
Arab—incitement to anti-Semitic holy war. In schools, classrooms,
madrassas and textbooks, Palestinian children are systematically
indoctrinated to despise Jews, the state of Israel and the United
States. Rather than being taught non-violence and peaceful
coexistence, students are urged to hate Israel and call for its
destruction. Without fundamental reform in education, no
Israeli-Palestinian peace deal can be permanent. Even Israel’s doves
recognize this.

Moreover, the creation of an independent Palestine will result in a
terror state on Israel’s borders—one that will be a geopolitical
dagger aimed at the heart of the Jewish state. Jerusalem’s 2005
withdrawal from Gaza did not lead to peace. The Palestinian
authorities could have focused on economic development and nation
building. Instead, Hamas was elected to power and the territorial
strip was transformed into a giant Islamist terrorist base, from which
Israeli towns are bombarded by rockets on an almost daily basis.
Pulling out of the West Bank will not buy Israel security. Rather, it
will only consolidate the Palestinian territories into Hamastan. In
effect, Mr. Obama is demanding Israel commit national suicide.

Yet, the most revealing—and disturbing—aspect of Mr. Obama’s speech
was his discussion of the basis of Israel’s legitimacy. For Mr. Obama,
the rationale for the Jewish state lies in the Holocaust. It does not
rest on the birthplace of Jewish civilization, reflected through the
relentless struggle by the Jews over 2,000 years to reestablish their
own homeland. “The aspiration for a Jewish homeland,” Mr. Obama said,
“is rooted in a tragic history that cannot be denied.” This is also
the argument of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (as well as most
Arab regimes). Iran’s mullocracy stresses that Israel is a foreign
entity in the region; an artificial creation erected after World War
II to assuage the European powers’ guilt over the Holocaust. According
to Ahmadinejad, Israel was erected upon the blood and real estate of
Palestinians. It is a state founded upon mass ethnic cleansing. This
view is shared by many academic leftists in America as well—of which
Mr. Obama is a product.

Israel’s claim to existence goes much deeper than the Holocaust. It
stems from its historical right to a sovereign state anchored in the
cradle of Jewish civilization. This forms the very essence of Israel’s
national identity. By not mentioning Israel’s historical right to
exist, Mr. Obama not only slapped Israeli Jews in the face, but he
played right into the ideological hands of Muslim rejectionists. No
wonder so many Islamists loved his speech.

The dirty little secret is that Mr. Obama is prepared to cut the Jews
loose. Israeli intelligence officials have confirmed that Washington
has privately told Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Iran will soon
have the bomb. Mr. Obama—backed by the liberal internationalists at
the State Department—believes that nothing can or should be done to
stop the mullahs from going nuclear. It is only a matter of time.
Moreover, should Israel’s hawkish government strike Iran’s nuclear
sites, the Obama administration will blame Jerusalem—not Tehran—for
any ensuing military conflict.

Mr. Obama believes in the sheer force of his personality and charisma;
that direct talks with Ahmadinejad will result in a new regional
order. The president is the victim of his own hubris. Mr. Obama
believes he can do the impossible: convince the mullahs to abandon
their genocidal dreams, and make Iran a stable, respectable member of
the international community. The administration is convinced that
Israel’s nuclear arsenal will act as a strategic deterrent against any
possible Iranian attack, compelling Tehran to become a rational state
similar to Stalin’s Russia or Mao’s China. In Mr. Obama’s world,
diplomacy trumps war; stability trumps democracy; and enemies trump

Mr. Obama’s Mideast utopia, however, will turn into a
nightmare—especially, for the Jews. Iran is not a modern-day Persian
Empire with a Shiite scowl; rather, it is a messianic, apocalyptic
theocracy bent on forging a global Islamic caliphate. Ahmadinejad,
along with Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, is an Islamist
fanatic. They are convinced their divinely ordained mission is to
bring about the coming of the Muslim messiah—also known as the “Hidden
Imam” or the Mahdi. They believe the end of the world, and the final
victory of political Islam over its enemies, is at hand. This is why
Ahmadinejad has called for Israel to be “wiped off the map.” Tehran’s
Islamofascists want to eradicate both the Jewish state and its chief
sponsor, America. For them, the nuclear bomb is not some defensive
weapon to protect the regime from external threats. It is the means by
which to achieve world revolutionary Shiitism.

Ahmadinejad has repeatedly said—in private and public—that Israel’s
“days are numbered,” and the “stinking, rotten Zionist entity” is
destined for the dustbin of history. He is seeking to finish what
Adolf Hitler began: The Final Solution of the “Jewish Question.”

Ayatollah Hashemi Rafsanjani, a so-called “moderate” and a predecessor
of Ahmadinejad, has vowed that Tehran will not be deterred by the fear
of Israeli nuclear retaliation. “If the day comes when the world of
Islam is duly equipped with the arms Israel has in its possession,” he
said, ". . . application of an atomic bomb would not leave anything in
Israel, but the same thing would just produce damages in the Muslim
world.” In other words, the mullahs believe Iran can survive a nuclear
exchange, while Israel can't.

History is repeating itself; another 6 million Jews are facing the
very real prospect of annihilation. During the 1930s, Hitler’s odious,
evil regime marched to power. Confused, war weary and preoccupied with
the economic crisis, most Americans and Europeans turned a blind eye
to the mortal danger of Nazism. Moreover, anti-Semitism spread across
large parts of Europe and the Middle East (and to a lesser extent,
America). Like a cancer eating away at the body politic, it laid the
groundwork for Hitler’s Holocaust.

Today, there is a resurgence of anti-Semitism in Europe and the Arab
world. From Liverpool to Paris to Hamburg, radicalized, seething
Muslim youths routinely target Jewish businesses, cemeteries and
synagogues. A global poll several years ago reported that 59 percent
of Europeans regard Israel—not Iran, North Korea, Russia or China—as
the greatest threat to world peace. In Germany, the figure was 65
percent; in Austria, it was nearly 70 percent; and in the Netherlands
almost 75 percent. In supposedly “moderate” Muslim countries, such as
Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Lebanon, the United Arab Emirates and
Morocco, 79 percent of respondents believe Israel poses the greatest
threat to international peace. Jew-baiting is back in fashion.

In other words, confronted by a determined, ruthless and fanatical
enemy in Tehran, surrounded and besieged by hostile neighbors, facing
a growing wave of animosity and hatred on the European continent and
around the globe, and increasingly abandoned by the president of the
United States, Israel is now living through the most perilous moment
in its troubled history. Following the discovery of Auschwitz and
other Nazi death camps, the world vowed to “never again” allow a
Holocaust to take place. That was then; this is now. The Jews know
more than anyone that fate is fickle, and the tide of destiny is
against them.

As a Catholic traditionalist, my ultimate allegiance is not to
Jerusalem (nor despite all of my love for America, to Washington), but
to Rome. Still, as the late Pope John Paul II stressed, the Catholic
Church’s covenant with the Jews is eternal. Both Christians and Jews
are spiritual Semites; together—for all their historic tensions and
animosities—they have built Western civilization. The destruction of
Israel will not only be a death blow to the Jews. It will be a death
blow to Christendom, fatally severing it from its Jewish roots. Only
unity can save the Jews.

-Jeffrey T. Kuhner is president of the Edmund Burke Institute and a
columnist at The Washington Times and a Crypto-Jew.
Movie Buff
2011-02-14 21:06:16 UTC
Post by Ed Conrad's Evil Twin
On Sun, 13 Feb 2011 07:09:00 -0500, the spook, Ed Conrad
Post by Ubiquitous
By Jeffrey T. Kuhner
Michael Moore is a hypocrite. He embodies all that is wrong with Hollywood: He
is a shameless, self-serving propagandist masquerading as an idealistic
"artist." ...<snip>.
Michael Moore has wisely and carefully avoided saying anything about
Jews, Zionism, the Israel lobby, Palestine or anything that could be
considered anti-Semitic. That is the key to his success.
In my not-so-humble opinion, Zionism, and by extension Israel, is the root cause
of much of the ills of the world today.
Zionism is a vicious, racist, terroristic political movement.
Israel is as evil and violent as Nazi Germany, if not more so.
Zionists control the American media to the extent that virtually all
anti-Zionist sentiment is dismissed as "anti-Semitism" or Islamic radicalism.
The so-called British Mandate was nothing more than another imperialistic land
grab by Great Britain.
The UN certainly had no authority to take the land away from its rightful owners
and give it to expatriate Eurojewry - Jews that the Western countries didn't
want moving into them in the first place!
To hear US media tell it, God gave Israel to the Jews.
I fully support the Arab goal for the destruction of the racist state of Israel
and the restoration of Palestine to its rightful inhabitants
